• SlackwareARM in Cubieboard2

      From early this year I’ve been playing with an Allwiner SoC, the Cubieboard2 is a System on a Chip with 1GHz dual core CPU, 1GB RAM, 4GB NAND, 1 100MB Ethernet port, MicroSD card slot and a bunch of other niceties, expansion ports and what not. It comes preloaded with Android Jelly Bean, but there are several GNU/Linux flavors available.

    • Surveillance, people and power

      I just twitted about “The Day We Fight Back” a movement sponsored for some organizations like the Free Software Foundation, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, among other tech-related bodies and associations. Put aside the time (a decade at least) being known for my support to the free software and also open source software, which prompted me to start typing this post is the kind of job I’m doing nowadays.

    • Año nuevo, time to rethink strategies

      I’m not the kind of guy who makes new year’s commitments but begining of the calendar cycle is always a good time to look back and analyze what I’ve done and measure the achivements. But its not enough to watch, one must take action and do adjustments here and there as a result of our own review.

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    Ernesto Celis
    Ernesto Celis
    :computer: :bow_and_arrow: :camera: :boxing_glove:
    Monterrey, Nuevo León. 64700 México ":mexico:"
    +52 (81) 1087-8153
    GPG: 2D55 1002 2615 FA80

    As a self-taught software engineer, with over 17 years of experience, I have had to be resourceful and dedicated in order to continuously improve my skills and stay up-to-date with the latest technologies and industry trends. I am also an amateur archer and photographer.

    You can read my resume here.